Change your brokerage logo color automatically in kvCORE – Simple Copy/Paste Customization

Is your brokerage’s logo on your kvCORE website clashing with your finely curated branding color palette? Maybe your personal logo is too dark to see on the homepage against a busy and dark background? Here’s the answer. Just copy/paste one of our custom styling codes into your kvCORE’s ‘Custom Header’ setting.

To change JUST the brokerage logo to all white copy/paste the following code into your ‘Custom Header’ setting:

  body #header #primary-logo img{filter:brightness(0) invert(1)}
  body:not(#home-bodycontent) #header:not(.primary-color):not(.secondary-color) #primary-logo img{filter:none}

To change both the brokerage logo AND the secondary (your personal logo) to white copy/paste the following code into your ‘Custom Header’ setting:

  body #header #primary-logo img,
  body #header #secondary-logo img{filter:brightness(0) invert(1)}
  body:not(#home-bodycontent) #header:not(.primary-color):not(.secondary-color) #primary-logo img,
  body:not(#home-bodycontent) #header:not(.primary-color):not(.secondary-color) #secondary-logo img{filter:none}

For other options feel free to reach out to us!

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